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Hi and welcome to Kim's page come in and look around.

This is my first attempt at designing a website.

This is myself at home in my office.

I do seem to spend most of my time in this room studying for my  IT access course hence the web page. I'm a working come student mum and jack of all trades. I love to travel and will share some of my experiences on this web site.


If you are wondering who the person is behind my photo that's my dear husband peter. The picture is another experiment of mine playing around with photo's which is another hobby of mine.








Lyrics to a different corner

I'd say love was a magical thing
I'd say love would keep us from pain
Had I been there, had I been there
I would promise you all of my life
But to lose you would cut like a knife
So I don't dare, no I don't dare
'Cause I've never come close in all of these years
You are the only one to stop my tears
And I'm so scared, I'm so scared
Take me back in time maybe I can forget
Turn a different corner and we never would have met
Would you care?
I don't understand it, for you it's a breeze
Little by little you've brought me to my knees
Don't you care?
No I've never come close in all of these years
You are the only one to stop my tears
I'm so scared of this love
And if all that there is, is this fear of being used
I should go back to being lonely and confused
If I could, I would, I